More Waiting…

Filed under: Restoration — Wrote by Roger Los on Tuesday, June 8th, 1999 @ 5:07 am

Well, so much for being done by spring. I really haven’t started yet…though I guess that’s only partially true. A new hoped-for “first kick” is in time for the big local ride in late August, early September, but making that will take a miracle:



Filed under: Restoration — Wrote by Roger Los on Tuesday, March 23rd, 1999 @ 5:03 am

Now for the waiting game. Let us count the ways:



Filed under: Restoration — Wrote by Roger Los on Tuesday, February 16th, 1999 @ 5:00 am

Well, my pocket book has finally opened, though not much actual work has commenced.

I placed my “mondo order” with SRM Industries in the UK. They had a lot of what I needed…the order total came to about $2,600. Cough, cough. My only complaint thus far has been a lack of communication regarding the status of the order; they do not seem to monitor their email very well, and that leaves expensive and late night phone calls to try to find out its status. I’ll be interested in seeing whether my credit card was charged the minute I gave them the number, or whether they’ll do the more gentlemanly thing and wait until it ships. I know what my guess is…


The Doldrums

Filed under: Restoration — Wrote by Roger Los on Wednesday, January 20th, 1999 @ 4:58 am

Not much has been happening these last few months. I drew up a large spreadsheet of parts that I need to “complete” my restoration, and started checking catalogs and sending lists around to various companies on the web.


Speedo Mystery

Filed under: Restoration — Wrote by Roger Los on Wednesday, October 21st, 1998 @ 4:54 am

I’m about to send my speedometer away for repair, but I’m not sure I have the correct instrument:


Tear Down

Filed under: Restoration — Wrote by Roger Los on Wednesday, October 14th, 1998 @ 4:50 am

Ya know? The whole damn thing is disassembled.

OK, that’s not the entire truth, but the frame now rests in its barenaked glory on the floor of the basement, and the engine/gearbox is the only remaining large bit… I bought five gallons of simple green, a couple of buckets, and now have some steel cycle bits soaking in them. I’m also making a list of what’s needed and missing:


The Restoration Begins!

Filed under: Restoration — Wrote by Roger Los on Tuesday, October 6th, 1998 @ 3:17 am

These are some shots of the bike pretty much as it arrived. The only missing bits were the mufflers, battery, and the seat cover, as far as I can tell.

Work has since commenced on the strip down, and I have gotten as far as removing the engine. Dismantling the front forks is next, and then an assessment of what is salvageable and what isn’t will commence.


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